Member of SCNAT

The SFC is the specialists society for chemical analysis of food and commodities in Switzerland. It promotes the understanding of chemical and physical relationships, as well as the knowledge of analytical methods and techniques.more

Image: Dan Race, stock.adobe.commore

SFC Young Scientist Awards 2023

The winners of the SFC Young Scientist Awards 2023 are Ana Laura Fineid Pedersen (EPFL) and Nils Rentsch (ETH)

Young Scientist Award 2023 Ana Laura Fineid Pedersen
Image: sfc

Ana Laura Fineid Pedersen (EPFL) gewinnt den Young Scientist Award für ihre Masterarbeit „Structural investigations of the human milk proteome using cross-linking mass spectrometry (XLMS)“. Nils Rentsch (ETH) erhielt die Auszeichnung für seine Bachelorarbeit „Extraction of pectin from orange peel wastes as an ingredient for edible films containing kabog millet flour“.

  • Young Scientist Award 2023 Ana Laura Fineid Pedersen
  • Young Scientist Award 2023 Nils Rentsch
  • Young Scientist Award 2023 Ana Laura Fineid PedersenImage: sfc1/2
  • Young Scientist Award 2023 Nils RentschImage: sfc2/2


  • Food
  • Food science
  • Promotion of young talents